The gender-critical crowd dismisses the transgender experience as delusion. Generally, conservative rhetoric invalidates LGBTQ experiences by disregarding each as a voluntary — and erroneous…
The gender-critical crowd dismisses the transgender experience as delusion. Generally, conservative rhetoric invalidates LGBTQ experiences by disregarding each as a voluntary — and erroneous…
My mind thrives on making connections. Finding symbolism in everyday life is a sure-fire way to turn life not-so-everyday. I am Pagan…
I cast about unsuccessfully for anything interesting to write today. Although I am not entirely certain why, I have felt a bit down, stuck, as if I stalled like a glider missing an updraft. I suspect the reason is that I…
Thought leaders bleat the importance of inclusivity today, particularly if it results in publicity. — Do these leaders mean what they say? Do they understand what they say? Or is inclusivity a non-concept intended to…
This article is a departure from my typical philosophical and scientific musings. Instead, I intend to pledge to Medium to take action, and I invite you to take action along with me. I made an error in a previous…
Today I received a letter from a friend of mine named Charly. I have known Charly seven years at the time of writing; his wisdom helped me through a very difficult situation with work years ago and has guided me…
I am a transgender woman, a Pagan, a Druid, and a lover of spirituality. As I interact with other transgender women, I observe a high proportion identify strongly with the Moon. Whether we consider ourselves Pagan or otherwise, follow a Moon-based spiritual path or otherwise, we respond to the Moon and her beauty.
When the weather is fair, I like to run barefoot. I typically run about three miles around my neighborhood, which has concrete sidewalks. When people see me running barefoot, they tend to ask about it. After all, human feet are fragile, aren’t they? They require arch support, heel padding, and Kevlar shields in case of rocks. This is what shoe…
So far, this isn’t it — I woke up this morning needing a good cry. I let it happen, because I’m glad of being able to feel emotions after a life of numbness. That said, this article is likely to be a bit raw. Forgive me. I…
“You are being served with documents…” In a previous article (published six days ago at the time of writing), I discussed the process and ramifications of changing my name to one that suits my identity as a…