Should We Know Our Gender Implicitly?

How much knowledge of the Self can be reasonably expected from a US Citizen? — Now that the Great Cake Topper Cleaving of 2023 is in the past, I reflected back on something I said to my wife while crying about…
How much knowledge of the Self can be reasonably expected from a US Citizen? — Now that the Great Cake Topper Cleaving of 2023 is in the past, I reflected back on something I said to my wife while crying about…
Week 8 of the Artist’s Way course to develop creativity — Last week, I wrote about Week 7 of Julia Cameron’s Artist’s Way course to build creativity. If you purchased the book and are following along, I hope…
Below is an embed of a video I created in response to a video I saw by Claire of Seattle Voice Lab regarding Sirona Ryan — a transgender woman in the Wizarding World.
Wait…a transgender woman in the Wizarding World? Next thing you know, there will be dogs and cats living together — mass hysteria!
My tires seem all right, but I have a rattle when I get over about 60 MPH — I joke frequently about my big butt — transgender hormone therapy has been very kind to me. Typical changes from estrogen…
The Artist’s Way course to recover creativity — Week 7 — Two weeks ago, I wrote about Week 6 of Julia Cameron’s Artist’s Way course to build creativity. If you purchased the book and are following along, I…
A case where the eyes do not have it and can’t get it — I read a book yesterday about hooded eyes. Those not cursed with the affliction possess eyelids that span from lash line to eyebrow in an unbroken…