Gender Coaching

My philosophy about coaching is simple:

Your gender belongs to you, not to society. You already know who you are, and nobody can tell you it’s wrong.

Your purpose in life is to live as the person you know you are inside. Your life will be fulfilled when your outside matches your inside.

As a fully transitioned transgender woman, I can help you find and create the gender identity that could come only from you.

I can’t tell you who you are – that knowledge is inside. But I can help you find that knowledge and make a plan to become the best version of yourself ever.

Gender coaching with Amethysta Herrick happens over several phases:

  • First, we sit down to discuss what’s important to you. Each of us cares about different aspects of who we are.
  • When we know what you love about yourself and what you want to change, we set tangible goals. Some may seem far-fetched, some may be easy to reach.
  • With your goals in front of you, we develop a plan to achieve those goals. I know you can do what you want, and a plan will make it purposeful.
  • Achieving your goals requires work. We’ll sit down regularly and develop practical tasks that serve your plan to become your best self. I will help you find your path by providing resources and removing obstacles.
  • No plan is perfect, and we’ll deal with setbacks as they come. If we have to revise the plan, change tasks, or update your goals, it’s all part of the business of becoming you.

Who you are is your choice. How you get there is my expertise. Contact me today to set up a consultation. You can do this, especially with me by your side.